Our vessels and crew can support efficient dive operations in remote and harsh environments
Our PSVs fleet have ample deck space and sizeable mezzanine decks to cater for multiple dive and ROV spreads. Most of these vessels are also equipped with heavy lift cranes with deep water capability.
We have well-established partnerships with multiple international Dive and ROV contractors, enabling us to provide a packaged service to our clients.
Our vessels have advanced dynamic positioning capabilities to ensure they remain in position for diving/ROV activities. A number of vessels in the fleet have moon pools that are ideal for saturation dive spreads.
We provide a plug in and play arrangement for dive/ROV contractors – our vessels have the capacity to provide a fully integrated dive/ROV operation. Vessels have ample meeting rooms, advanced IT systems and telecommunications to support the most complex dive/ROV scopes.
Our crew understand how to provide the necessary support for dive/ROV operations and work side by side seamlessly with subsea crew.